Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Week 9- Discussion Question 2- A Confession

We just finished reading "V-J Day" in class. What are your thoughts now that you've learned that it was Henry's father who fixed it so that Henry's letters never made it to Keiko?
What are your reactions to this scene? What are your thoughts about Henry’s father, as well as Henry’s reactions to the learning this piece of information at the same moment his father dies?

Blog Response assigned: Wednesday, April 27
Due: Friday morning, April 29

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Week 9- Discussion Question 1- Symbolism

In literature, symbolism refers to an object, character, figure, or color that is used to represent an idea or concept. Examples: the “peace sign” symbolizes peace; wedding rings symbolize commitment; in the novel “The Giver,” the uniforms that everyone wore symbolized conformity; and in the novel, “Tom Sawyer,” the cave that Tom and Becky were lost in symbolizes Tom’s growth into a mature person.
In Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet, what do you think the Panama Hotel symbolizes for Henry?

Blog Post assigned: Tuesday, April 26. Due Thursday morning, April 28

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Week 8- Discussion Question 2- Disobedient?

At the end of “Angry Home,” Henry decides he will go to China to finish his schooling, but not until the war is over. This is just another example of the choices Henry makes throughout this story. Do you consider Henry to be disobedient? Why or why not?

Reading Assignment: "Angry Home" and "Letters" pages 235-245 Wednesday
Blog Response: Due Thursday night

Monday, April 18, 2011

Week 8- Discussion Question 1- Mr. Okabe

Mr. Okabe is one of my favorite characters in this story. We've already talked at some length about him, and his Cary Grant ways, but I want to know if your thoughts about him grow any stronger, or change at all after you've read the chapter titled, “Waiting.”

Write about everything you know to be true about him. How would you describe him? What kind of person is he? Use examples from the story to support your thoughts.

Reading Assignment: "Waiting" and "Farewell" pages 226-234 Due Tuesday in class.
Blog Response due Tuesday evening

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Week 7- What Are Your Thoughts....

We've had some wonderful discussions about this story, both in class and on the blog. At this point I would like to know your thoughts about the story. Is there something that has happened that has shocked you, or upset you, or maybe even made you chuckle? Spill it out here...

Reading Assignement: Read the chapter titled, "Thirteen" pages 208-222. Due Thursday, April 14.

Blog Response: Due Friday morning, April 15

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Week 7- Discussion Question 2- Life's Choices

In the beginning of the chapter titled, "Strangers" Henry thinks about his father's belief that "the hardest choices in life aren't between what's right and what's wrong but between what's right and what's best."

Think about the decisions that these characters have made in the story so far. Henry, his father, his mother, Keiko, Mr. Okabe, and Mrs. Beatty have all had to make choices between what is right and what is best.

Decide on three choices made by any of the above characters, and write about whether you believe the choices were made because it was right, or because it was for the best.

Reading: "Moving" and "Stranger", pages 197-207 Due Wednesday, March 13
Blog post: due Thursday, March 14

Monday, April 11, 2011

Week 7- Discussion Question 1- Mrs. Beatty

Even though Mrs. Beatty is considered a "minor" character in this novel, her presence in the story is important. I'm curious to know what you think of her so far. Write about what you know to be true about Mrs. Beatty, and then tell me your thoughts about who she is as a person. Is she likable? Do you think her intentions are pure and selfless? You'll need to think back to when she was first introduced in the story and consider all her actions.

Reading assignment: "Camp Anyway" pages 186-195. Due Tuesday, April 12

Discussion Question: due by Wednesday morning, April 13.